¿Ven cómo sí se puede ser original?
¿Ven cómo la inteligencia es una buena alternativa en lugar de marchar por las calles, estrangulando el tráfico y la poca paciencia de la gente?
El ejemplo lo ponen este grupo de demócratas que promueven Fuck The Vote!
Un resumen de las tesis que fundamentan Fuck The Vote:
– Everyone knows liberals are hotter than conservatives – we look hotter, we dress hotter, our ideas are hotter, and we are infinitely hotter in the sack. We must use our sexual appeal to our advantage, as one more weapon in our already diverse arsenal.
– People lie for sex, they cheat for sex, they even kill for sex – and you can be sure that they will change the way they think (and therefore vote) for sex.
– At Fuck The Vote we provide a Pledge Sheet that can be used conveniently before becoming physically intimate with a conservative. The Pledge Sheet asks the signee to make a promise to vote for anyone but George Bush in the November election.
… ¿ven? ¡Las piernas no sólo sirven para marchar!
(Gracias al blog de Amín Cárdenas por el link)