La vida irreal de Salvador Leal

Perpetual identity crisis

with 3 comments

Ya lo había dicho Orsai, de repente uno cree que está solo en el mundo. Que es el único que sufre de alguna fobia o filia, pero gracias a internet hemos descubierto que no estamos tan solos.

A continuación, un texto que sólo publico porque sé que el link a la página se perderá en la inmensa lista de páginas de internet guardadas en mi navegador. El link me lo pasó, justamente, un cuate que me conoce mucho antes de convertirme en economista/locutor/creativo… y que desde entonces me hizo ver que estar en una crisis vocacional permanente no es tan malo.

(…) As the conversation unfolded, we started talking about interdisciplinarity being the key to the next intellectual shift. The problem with disciplines is that they’re too narrow and all you can do is improve in one little niche arena. The key to intellectual shifts is the key to creativity. Ronald Burt talks about how social network bridges are super creative because they draw on ideas from disparate parts of the network. Of course, this is why i love the idea of apophenia – making connections where none previously existed. It’s all about building synaptic connections between things that were otherwise unconnected.

I think that it’s hard to be interdisciplinary. I think everyone *wants* to be interdisciplinary but that seems to mean draw haphazardly from different disciplines, throw into the blender, add a few spices and voila interdisciplinary gazpacho. I want a chemical reaction dammit.

The problem with being interdisciplinary is it that means staying in a state of perpetual identity crisis. I think that this is fundamentally hard for academics. Many of us grew up as ostracized freaks and geeks and felt such glory in fitting in. There’s something desperately comforting about fitting it, about being amongst peers. Staying in-between, outside and perpetually bridging any dichotomous definitions is exhausting. I think about how many people i know who identify as someone in-between (fe)male but eventually chose to identify as one or the other. Alternatively, i think about inter-racial identities and how some of my friends happily proclaim the identity of hapa. When no identity out there works, you end up developing a new one. Of course, this happens in academia all the time. There are new interdisciplinary departments popping up daily in academia.


I think that i relish staying in a perpetual state of identity crisis. Well, i go back and forth. Sometimes, i desperately want a cohort, a community. But every time a journalist asks me how to label me, i laugh.

El texto, aquí.

Written by Salvador Leal

octubre 12th, 2006 at 1:13 pm

Posted in personal struggle

3 Responses to 'Perpetual identity crisis'

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  1. Dicho y hecho, acabo ud con la ya d epor si escasa concentraciòn laboral. Algo me dice que sus 5 minutos de descanso diarios seràn el fin de mis jornadas de productividad.



    12 Oct 06 at 1:28 pm

  2. Pues si está picudo eso de ser interdisciplinario. Tener un blog y entregar atículos para revistas con un deadline, luchar por el virtuosismo en 4 instrumentos, trabajar y todas las infamias que implica, tener un mínimo de vida social y pintar cuando queda tiempo. Evidentemente no tengo novia… El secreto está en las ganas y en cómo administrar el tiempo. El locutor-escritor-economista debe de saber de estas cosas.

    wj porter

    12 Oct 06 at 8:56 pm

  3. Oye perdón por no comentar sobre tu post de hoy, pero dejame decirte que risa con el informal…. con el del clima eso de que no tiene la culpa de que a los estados les pongan nombres de quesos ja ja ja estuvo muy bueno!! felicidades por el programa cariño…


    13 Oct 06 at 3:54 pm

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